Culture and Community Circle Workshops


Culture & Community Circle is a series of monthly workshops that reflect our commitment to creating a continuous dialog and connection among various cultural groups and community members at Cuyamaca College. Join us this September as we come together to foster inclusivity, celebrate our shared humanity, and strengthen the bonds that make our college community uniquely vibrant and interconnected.



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March Culture and Community Circle Workshops
February Culture and Community Circle Workshops
Diversity & Leadership co-curricular certificate



College Hour - The Sounds of Blackness 




Dissecting Equity: The Legacy of the 20th Century Civil Rights Movement

Presented by:  Yaa Faraji


Women’s History Panel

Presented by: Moriah Gozalez-Meeks, Instructor, Cuyamaca and Marissa Salazar, Instructor, Cuyamaca College


Women Mentoring Women: Mentoring and Fostering Relations are a Key to Your Success

Presented by: Dr. Kimberely Fletcher, Instructor, SDSU